Burning Tee Golf League
One of the PSU-hosted leagues is the Burning Tee Golf League. This league is for any
and all male members at least 50 years of age, no matter their skill level. If you want to
share some good times with other old duffers this is the league for you. It has been in
existence since 1960, with recent typical memberships of over 120 players.
The league normally plays every Tuesday morning, using both courses. Occasionally,
league play is scheduled on days other than Tuesdays but that is rare. Our season goes
from the middle of April to the beginning of October. We have an 18-hole division and a
9-hole division, with the 18-hole division more competitive, and the 9-hole division more
of a social event. In addition, we have upwards to ten different tournaments scheduled
throughout the year, some of them scrambles, while others are individual competitions
of various formats. Also, we go on up to eight out-of-town trips to other golf courses
throughout the golf season. Tournaments and out-of-town trips usually are scheduled for
Most of the information transfer to league members is done via email, but we have 2
meetings per year. The Spring Meeting in April, before the golf season begins, is where
we review changes for the upcoming season and have general league and course
discussions. New members are brought into the league every year and this is a good
time to meet your fellow golfers. We also have a banquet in October, the cost of which
is included in the annual league fees.
The contact is the league president via the league email, Tracy Hanahan:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact the president if you are interested in joining the league or have any questions.
Membership starts in late February/early March with applications taken online.
Good friendship and a lot of golf is what the Burning Tee is all about.
Come and see for yourself; you will enjoy it!