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Penn State Golf Courses - 2-Person Open
Sunday, August 04, 2024, 09:00am - 10:30am
Hits : 1032
Contact Brian Short - PGA Head Golf Professional

The 2-Person Open:

Format:  Better Ball of Partners - Each player plays out their own golf ball. At the end of the hole, the lowest score is recorded for the team score.

Gross & Net Divisions

Tee Times Starting at 9:00 on the White Course

Cost:  $30 Walking Member, $40 Riding Member

$40 Walking Non-Member, $50 Riding Non-Member

Fee Includes: 18-holes of golf with cart and prizes

To Register: please call the golf shop at (814) 863-0257

Location Penn State White Golf Course
1523 W. College Ave, State College, PA 16801